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contoh kalimat mean that

"mean that" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • It doesn't mean that at all. It doesn't ensure it.
    Tidak berarti demikian. Tidak ada jaminan.
  • What do you mean that she has regained her ability?
    Apa maksud Anda kemampuannya telah kembali?
  • If you really mean that give me back my gun.
    Jika Anda sungguh-sungguh, memberikan pistol saya.
  • You mean that there's no one in the house?
    Maksudmu bahwa tidak ada orang di rumah?
  • You didn't mean that, did you, Master Joey?
    Anda tidak berpikir , Mr Joey , kan?
  • You mean that nonsense about the gas tank?
    Anda berarti bahwa omong kosong tentang tangki bensin?
  • You mean that troll in your picture book?
    Totoro? Maksudmu Totoro yang ada di buku gambar.
  • You mean that story about Powerline and your dad?
    Maksudmu cerita itu tentang Powerline dan ayahmu?
  • That can only mean that I'm very close
    Itu hanya bisa berarti bahwa gue sangat dekat
  • 'Cause you mean that much to me !
    'Cause you mean that much to me !
  • I mean, that really got out of hand fast.
    Maksudku, itu sungguh keluar dari tangan cepat.
  • Oh, come on. I didn't mean that. - Quit screwing around!
    Oh, Aku tidak bermaksud begitu.
  • That does not mean that there is no God.
    itu bukan berarti bahwa tidak ada Tuhan.
  • Your guard's up, and that must mean that you like him.
    itu berarti kau suka dia.
  • And by "sort of," I mean that he is.
    Dan "sejenis," maksudku bahwa dia adalah seorang.
  • What did you mean that we looked the type?
    Apa maksudmu kami kelihatan tipe seperti itu?
  • That doesn't mean that the boat is taking on water.
    Itu tidak berarti semuanya telah bocor
  • Owh, you meant that I should have duck.
    Owh, Anda berarti bahwa saya harus memiliki bebek.
  • I mean, that isn't the way ghosts usually go.
    Maksudku, itu bukan cara hantu biasanya pergi.
  • I mean, that would mean that Allomere would have to be a
    Maksudku,ituberartibahwaAllomere harus a. ..
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